Rent me ... and make yourself a fun day with BOLT PRO ELECTRIC BIKE

    The ultimate compact E-bike

    Max Speed –          up to 15.5 mph

    Max Range –          up to 30

    miles with pedal assist

    Climbing Angle – up to 15 degrees

    Product Weight – 41 lbs 

    Weight Limit –       up to 265 lbs

    Motor –                     350 watt hub 

    Brake –                     Handle brake

    Pedal Assist –         yes

    Wheels –                  14″

    Charging time –     4 hours


Ride the most scenic routes on the Island .

Electric bike rental is the best way to be immersed in the raw beauty of the Maui. You can move quickly and easily avoiding traffic and mast important do not pollute Maui.  Our easy to use electric bikes require no more experience then a regular bicycle . They are silent effortless and lots of fun.

Please contact Us to check availability

Rental Agreements

Eco Rides Maui LLC (the “Lessor”) rents the e-bike to customer, subject to the conditions of this agreement, and in consideration thereof customer agrees to the following:

 1. Claims , demands : 

 I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Eco Rides Maui LLC. from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action, which are in any way connected with my participation in this activity or my use of Eco Rides Maui LLC. equipment or facilities, including any such claim which allege negligent acts or omissions by Eco Rides Maui LLC.

X________ (initial)

2. Responsibility for payment :

This agreement consists of all the conditions on this page and on the reverse side whether printed or written. CUSTOMER / RENTER means the person(s) signing this agreement and any other party to whom the charges incurred are billed at the express direction of such party of the person signing this agreement (with LESSOR’s CONSENT), both being jointly and severally liable for such charges.

X________ (initial)

3. E-bike repairs / Warranty disclaimer:

 E-bike is Lessor’s property. This agreement is a contract for the use of the bailed vehicle only. While e-bike is on rental to customer, customer is not Lessor’s agent for any purpose. Any service to or replacement of a part or accessory to the e-bike must have lessor’s prior written approval. Customer acquires to no right other than to ride the e-bike in accordance to this agreement. Lessor’s makes no warranty for any kind, nature, or description, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose of the e-bike covered by this agreement.

X________ (initial)

4. Responsibility for the e-bike Condition / Return / Repossession:

Customer shall return e-bike to Lessor’s in the same condition as received, except for ordinary wear (which does not include flat tires) to the location where rented on the due hour agreed. Possession of the e-bike subsequent to the du back hour constitutes unauthorized use of the e-bike and may subject the renter to criminal prosecution. Lessor’s reserves the right to repossess e-bike at any time with demand at customer’s expenses if e-bike is used for an illegal purpose.

X________ (initial)

5. Use or damage to e-bike and or equipment:

 In the event of loss or damage to e-bike and or equipment while on rental, whether or not due to the fault of customer, customer shall pay lessor, on demand, the amount of such loss or damage, including lessor’s expenses.

X________ (initial)

6. Payment of charges:

 All charges and other amounts billed pursuant to this agreement are payable in case by customer at conclusion of rental. If a credit card is used to charge the rental then the charges and amounts billed under such credit card acceptable to Lessor are payable in accordance with the terns of this agreement.

X________ (initial)

7. Computation of charges: 

Except as provided in paragraph 5, customer shall pay lessor on demand the sum of time charges computed at the rate show of this agreement. Battery charge time unless show in this agreement. If e-bike is returned with empty battery than when rented, customer shall pay battery  charges time.

X________ (initial)

8. Repair/Replacements: 

A charge for labor and material will be charged for all damages including engine breakdown, or lost equipment to or from the e-bike while rented.

X________ (initial)

9. Fines and other expenses:

Fine, penalties, forfeiture, court cost and other expenses that may be assessed against lessor but which are due by reason of customer possession. And/or use of the e-bike. All other charges assessed to customer in accordance to any paragraph of this agreement. Any legal expenses involved in collecting any of the above lists charged.

X________ (initial)

10. Prohibited use of e-bike:

E-bike shall not be used for the following purposes or under the following condition. 

Any such use is without Lessors permission:

  1. To carry person or property for hires. 
  2. To propel or tow any person, vehicle or other object. 
  3. In any way race, test, or contest. 
  4. For any illegal purposes 
  5. To carry person other than those listed on this agreement. 
  6. If e-bike is obtained from lessor by fraud misrepresentation 
  7. Loading e-bike beyond its rated capacity. 
  8. While under the influence of alcohol, other intoxicants, drugs or narcotics.

X________ (initial)

11. Assignment: 

This agreement and the e-bike cannot be assigned or transferred by costumer.

X________ (initial)

12. Waiver/Modification of term:

No term or condition of this agreement may be waived or modified as to LESSOR except by a writing signed by lessor’s authorized representatives.

X________ (initial)

13. Equipment:

E-bike is rented with all required equipment including helmet RENTER is responsible for returning all such equipment. Renter expressly agrees to pay lessor on demand a sum equal to the cost of replacement for any lost and/or utilized equipment.

X________ (initial)

14. Condition of e-bike:

Renter acknowledges that the herein rented vessel is the rightful property of the lessor and further acknowledges that he/she received said vessel in good and safe mechanical and street worthy condition with the engine running perfectly. Renter agree to return said vessel together with all accessories, equipment and accouterments, to the lessor location from which it was rented, in the same condition as he received it, excluding normal wear.

X________ (initial)

15. Liability of Lessor:

Lessor shall in no event be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damages, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance, or use of the e-bike.

X________ (initial)

16. Violations:

If there is a violation of any of the Terms and Conditions of this Rentals agreement, renter an/or driver agree to identify lessor for all damages sustained as a result of such violations.

X________ (initial)




I have read and understand ALL Terms and Condition 

  X________________________ (signature)